If you have lots of articles subject to a reduced tax rate, it's advisable to use the CSV upload feature. On this page, we explain how this works. Note: This feature is not available for users of Internet Explorer.
Step 1: Log in to the Taxdoo dashboard.
Step 2: Select the "Reduced tax rates" section under products.
Step 3: Select the relevant country.
Step 4: Scroll down to the reduced tax rate.
Scroll down to the relevant reduced tax rate (there are multiple different rates for each country) and click on "Select file".
Step 5: Select file.
Select a CSV file from your file system that only contains the affected article SKUs for this country and this tax rate, each separated by a line break. A header is not required. Processing automatically begins after the file is selected.
Step 6: Did everything work?
If the process was successful, you'll see the following success message as well as information on how many new articles were added. If the file contains articles that were already uploaded for this country, they will not be replaced. So the number of new saved articles may be smaller than the number of articles in your file.
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