The CSV file must be based on this scheme for the upload to work. Further down in this article you will also find a description of the most important fields, including examples
Please note the following points when creating the CSV file:
- There must be no blank lines, not even at the end.
- There must be no empty columns.
- The file must be UTF-8 encoded.
- There must not be a semicolon at the end of a line.
- If necessary, use a text editor for troubleshooting by opening the file in such a program. Programs such as Microsoft Excel often do not display the errors mentioned above.
Field description and examples
A line in the CSV file always represents a single order item.
All field names that are in bold are mandatory, so they must always be provided in the file. It depends on the type of transaction whether the columns paymentDate and sentDate have to be specified (see description).
You can see in the "Example" column whether content must also be provided for a field. If the value is printed in bold here, a value of the type specified in "Description / Possible values" must be entered. If the value is not printed in bold, empty content can also be passed.
Field | Example | Description |
type | Sale | The type of this transaction (Sale, Refund) |
channelIdentifier | WEB |
Abbreviation for the sales platform (2-8 chars); in case of a transaction of the "Refund" type, the value of the refunded order item must be entered here; please make sure that the correct identifier is specified for transactions processed via a marketplace (you can find the values here) |
channelTransactionNumber | AN57398 | The transaction number, usually the order number (1-100 chars); In case of a transaction of the "Refund" type, the value of the refunded order item must be entered here |
channelItemNumber | 1 | Unique number for the item in an order; include if there are multiple positions (0-100 characters, default 0); In case of a transaction of the "Refund" type, the value of the refunded order item must be entered here |
paymentDate |
2023-03-21T12:00:00+02:00 (+02:00 stands for the time zone, here UTC+2; the given dates are converted into UTC) |
Payment date in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ; mandatory for "Refund" type transactions; either a paymentDate or a sentDate must be specified for transactions of type "Sale". |
sentDate |
2023-03-21T12:00:00+02:00 (+02:00 stands for the time zone, here UTC+2; the given dates are converted into UTC) |
Shipping date in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ; ignored for "Refund" type transactions; either a paymentDate or a sentDate must be specified for transactions of type "Sale". |
deliveryFullName | Max Mustermann | Name (Recipient) |
deliveryStreet1 | Musterstraße 1 | Street (Recipient) |
deliveryZip |
1010 | Postcode (Recipient) |
deliveryCity | Wien | City (Recipient) |
deliveryState | Wien | State (Recipient) |
deliveryCountry | AT | Country (Recipient) (ISO-3166) |
senderZip | 20355 | Postcode (Sender) |
senderCity | Hamburg | City (Sender) |
senderState | Hamburg | State (Sender) |
senderCountry | DE | Country (Sender) (ISO-3166) |
buyerVatNumber | DE123456789 | The buyer's VAT ID (to be provided for B2B orders) |
quantity | 3 | The quantity of items contained in the order line (integer) |
productIdentifier | T456 | e.g. SKU |
description | T-Shirt (red), Size M | The description of the product |
transactionCurrency | EUR | Currency (ISO-4217) |
itemPrice | 10,99 |
The total value of the order line; Gross; decimal > 0 for sale type transactions, decimal < 0 for refund type transactions; Important: this value is not multiplied by the value specified for quantity |
itemDiscount | -1,99 |
The proportionate discount of the order line; Gross; Decimal <= 0 for Sale type transactions, Decimal >= 0 for Refund type transactions Important: this value is not multiplied by the value specified for quantity |
shipping | 4,99 |
The proportionate shipping costs of the order line; Gross; Decimal >= 0 for Sale type transactions, Decimal <= 0 for Refund type transactions Important: this value is not multiplied by the value specified for quantity |
invoiceNumber | RE854723 | The receipt number of the order / refund |
invoiceDate |
2023-03-21T12:00:00+02:00 (+02:00 stands for the time zone, here UTC+2; the given dates are converted into UTC) |
The invoice date in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ |
Attached are two template files (at the bottom of this article), one containing all the fields listed in the table above and the other containing all the available fields. The first file should be sufficient for most transactions.
You can also find answers to the most common questions in our FAQ on manual transaction upload article.
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